Parkinson/Cerebral Infarction

Yonsei BH Clinic gives all the efforts.

Cerebral infarction sequela


Cerebral infarction sequela

Patients whose cerebral blood vessels completely died due to blockage of blood vessels in the brain
get sequelae despite various Western or oriental medical treatment and physical therapy.
Get help from autologous stem cells.

Autologous stem cell

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can differentiate into various types and into cells with special functions of tissues or organs.
The also differentiate into cells of specific tissues when needed.
We transplant stem cells, growth factors, signaling substances that move stem cells
to the required area, and white blood cells and platelets at the same time.
It is distinctly different from other stem cells which only have abundant platelets and low regenerative effect.

Features of stem cell

Since only autologous stem cells are used, there is few immune rejection or side effects.
It is a legal procedure that has no possibility of cell transformation and completely blocks external risk factors with an automated system.
Same-day hospitalization and discharge is possible.
It helps strengthen systemic immunity and blood vessels.
It regenerates damaged tissue.