Over 30 years of long journey, I¡¯ve been searching more safer and better results with countless planning, carrying out, reexamining processes through endovascular surgeries.
During my tenure as a university professor at Shinchon Severance Hospital, I performed more than 45,000 vascular treatments and 10,000 endovascular surgeries. The first Korean procedure I found was presented at various academic conferences in home and foreign and is now widely practiced, and it has become a universal way of treatment these days.
All of these processes are products of thoughtful mind about the patient, ¡°How can we provide better results to even one patient and more effective treatment to even one new patient.¡±
Yonsei BH Clinic will continue to lead in areas that no one else has been able to reach.
We will give new hope to those who have not been treated and turned away.